Johnson County Animal Clinic Covid-19 Response Update-Opening the Doors
As our metro area moves to a new chapter in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we can’t “thank you” enough for the patience you have shown. Again, the doors of Johnson County Animal Clinic have been able to remain open and serve you during this critical time because of your cooperation and understanding.
As we move forward we will continue to make our primary goal the safety of both you and our staff, while making access to pet care as easy as possible in this historical time. Our plans rely on the best information we have from the health and scientific community on protection to ensure a smooth, secure encounter when you visit our office.
Starting June 15, we will allow customers to enter the reception area if you wish, however curbside service will still be available if wanted. If you choose entry into the clinic, please make sure your hands are washed and be aware and adhere to the 6 foot social distancing guidelines set by the CDC. You’ll also see that all personnel will be wearing masks, and we will require you to have a mask on too, without exception. At the receptionist desks there will be plastic shields in front for added security. And finally, all pets will be taken to the treatment area instead of the normal exam area to ensure safe handling and distancing. The doctor will then talk with you about treatment decisions in either the exam area or by phone.
With these new procedures in mind, we want you to know we will continue being vigilant about thorough disinfection and cleaning and we ask that you continue practicing all the CDC guidelines for everyone’s safety. Remember, if you or anyone in your family is sick, call us first. We’ll then assess what the best options are for you and your pet.
Updated protocols for Johnson County Animal Clinic going forward include:
1.) Prior to your appointment any paperwork that can be filled out from our website should be done before your visit, if you’re able. Also, when calling the clinic for an appointment at 913-270-7945, please let us know what service (regular or curbside) you’d like to utilize so we can maximize efficiency.
2.) If utilizing reception area service, please wash or sanitize your hands, put on your mask and enter the clinic and adhere to 6 foot social distancing.
3.) If wanting curbside service, call the JCAC telephone number upon arrival. Please let us know at that time whether you plan to stay in our parking area or run other errands to ensure the best use of time. If you’re running errands, we’ll call you when we’re done. The staff will meet you at our front door to retrieve your pet and provide the safest transfer. All personal items such as leashes, collars, toys, beds, etc. will remain with you for safety. We will be using disinfected clinic items during this time to make sure we have the safest transfer for you, our staff and your pet. After examination, the doctor will let you know through a phone call of any treatment decisions to be made and allow you to assess those options before treatment is given. After treatment is over, we will make a final contact with you or you can to us, to allow for another smooth transition from the clinic to your car.
4.) If your pet is being dropped off for a procedure or surgery, we will contact you by phone upon completion.
5.) Payment by phone through a credit or debit card will be the preferred method of payment. We will give you a receipt when you pick up your pet or take your pet.
6.) Please note, if you need medication, food or other services we provide, please call the office to make arrangements.
Finally, as we’ve always emphasized, we are proud to be your partners. Our motto “healing pets, helping people” has always been and will continue to be our guide. Please stay safe and well.
The staff at JCAC